Friday, June 19, 2015

Mob Programming – A Whole Team Approach by Woody Zuill

Another concept that I’m completely new to, NDC is fantastic source to for getting interested in new things.

Mr Zuill starts the talk describing what Mob programming is: All the brilliant minds working on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space on the same computer.

During a day there is one driver who sits at the computer and the rest of the team is navigator. The driver inputs what the navigators explains. Anyone can take a break when they want to. If the driver wants to express an idea then that person needs to switch. The driver gets rotate on fixed cycle.

Benefits are instant review of both code and design, good learning opportunities, and, team resiliency. To work this way focus should be paid to individual and interactions. The team should exercise kindness, consideration, and, respect and make each other aware when they fail in these areas.

Productivity remains high due to low latency in communication and almost no technical debt.

Mob programming certainly seems like an interesting technique, excellent talk. There is a website for mob programming.

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